Equipoise plays from 4:02
Author: Nic Paton
Bradley Stilwell 2012 showreel
Animation and compositing/lighting genius Bradley Stilwell recently returned to South Africa from Aardman Animations in the UK. I scored his showreel, which includes “The Pirates! […]
A Tone Poem : The Arc of Home
This spacious pianistic piece, “The Arc of Home”, is a tone poem set to a simple, short and yet deeply profound visual narrative by director […]
Sports Power – Africa Scores
My latest production-ready themes form part of a new compilation on Mama Dance (MDML045), called “Sports Power – Africa Scores”. This is a high energy […]
Symphony of Science : Children of Africa “Singabantwana beAfrika” Remix
These beings with soaring imagination Eventually flung themselves and their machines Into interplanetary space [Carolyn Porco] John Boswell’s amazing anthropological melodisation mashup project “Symphony of […]
“Twana Toons” : African kids moods and themes
The fruit of the last few months is a new album of production music on Mama Dance entitled “Twana Toons”. From the coy to the […]