I scored the music for the Inyathelo Philanthropy Awards, which took place on Tuesday 5th November at a gala dinner at the City Hall, Cape […]
Category: short film
“Pine” – the stalker scene
[youtube=http://youtu.be/BTX8BKuI-lE] A case of species confusion by an invading alien witnessed by a botanically-correct stalker – a scene from Stephen Schmidt’s nutty Caper “Pine” with […]
A Tone Poem : The Arc of Home
This spacious pianistic piece, “The Arc of Home”, is a tone poem set to a simple, short and yet deeply profound visual narrative by director […]
Slipstream short film
Music from Nic Paton’s “Space and Story” album used for Jemima Spring’s intriguing “Slipstream”: a 12-minute short put together on less than the cost of […]